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Windows 7 TLS Fix for coDiagnostiX 9

Windows 7 requires a specific installed update and a Microsoft Easyfix to have proper TLS 1.2 connectivity when using WiniNet. All coDiagnostiX web services are TLS 1.2 only and cannot use downgraded TLS 1.0 connections.

The problem shows with missing Webshop and Training Are access in coDiagnostiX. The issue was introduced with coDiagnostiX 9.12.1 and its change in underlying network components.

To fix the issue you just need to install the following two official Microsoft packages in order:

  1. Windows 7 KB3140245
  2. Microsoft Easyfix 51044 or follow manual instructions at
tech/windows7_tls.txt · Last modified: 2019/07/18 13:57 by mkroeber

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