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How to set up a network dongle installation

The network dongle setup allows to use coDiagnostiX on several computers in a local network without having to plug the dongle into each PC. This means the dongle is plugged in a central computer or server and a special network license service distributes its information over the local network.


  • Server or Workstation PC (VMs are supported)
  • Windows 7 SP1 or newer / Windows Server 2008 SP2 or newer
  • Free USB 2.0 slot


To set up the dongle in the local network, put the coDiagnostiX installation disk in to a central computer or server and open the installation wizard. After having agreed to the license terms, the setup type can be selected.

Choose Network License Service Installation (Server) and click Next until the installation is finished. This will only install the eToken drivers and license service without coDiagnostiX. When finished, plug in the Dongle.

If the network clients don't see the distributed dongle information, the firewall on the server might be blocking the network license service from communicating over the network. In this case, the network license service executable needs to be added to the whitelist of the firewall. To do this, a firewall exclusion rule has to be defined.

Create a rule for the following file:

  • 32-Bit Windows C:\Windows\System32\STMSLMSrv.exe
  • 64-Bit Windows C:\Windows\SysWOW64\STMSLMSrv.exe

Setup over Router boundaries

The clients will look for the Server via broadcasts.

If there is a NAT translation between client and server you need to setup the clients to connect to a specified IP address instead of using broadcasts.

To bind the license service of a client/workstation to a fixed IP address of a server:

  • IMPORTANT This only works with STMSlmSrv.exe v3.0.4.25 or newer (coDiagnostiX 9.5+)
  • Start the application C:\Program Files (x86)\coDiagnostiX\coDiagnostiX.App\eToken\STMSLMSrv.exe and click Uninstall.
  • Open Windows Explorer and navigate to C:\ProgramData\coDiagnostiX\LicenseManager
  • Open the file STMSlmSrv.ini in notepad and change the options according to the list below:
  • The IP address needs to be replaced by your dongle server's IP address
  • Save the file, open the STMSLMSrv.exe again and click Install

Now the client should be able to receive the dongle information through the network via TCP/IP (and can now communicate over router boundaries).

The following network ports are used. This can be helpful for VPN tunnels.

  • TCP 54237 (incomming) (Server and Clients)
  • UDP 21945 (incomming) (Server and Clients)
license/how_to_setup_a_network_dongle_installation.txt ยท Last modified: 2020/01/29 15:17 by mkroeber

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