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eToken Dongle
The eToken is used with coDiagnostiX for copy-protection and license management.
It is the important and “expensive” part for the customer since it contains all license information, payment units and so on.
The current model is the eToken 5110.
Thales SafeNet eToken 5110
Previous hardware revisions
Aladdin eToken R2 16K (IVS)
Not supported on modern Windows systems and will be replaced at no cost for a new dongle. Most customers have turned theirs in several years ago and is usually not found anymore “in the wild”.
Aladdin eToken Pro 56K/72K (IVS)
Standard blue color and license number sticker. License numbers are mostly 8 digits. IVS and Bredent branding was used.
SafeNet eToken Pro 72K (Straumann)
Custom white color case, full-color printed “Straumann” logo, lasered or printed license number. Also used with a “Dental Wings” sticker branding.
SafeNet eToken 5105
Standard black case, black and white “Dental Wings” logo stick and lasered license number. Shortly used after the eToken Pro 72K was phased out by Safenet. The 5100 series was then in turn phased out after only about one year and replaced with the 5110 series. Unfortunately, one batch had only 8-digit license numbers instead of 9 digits (missing one zero).