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coViewer Disc

coViewer is a slimmed-down version of coDiagnostiX for documentary use with all editing functions disabled.

The patient case runs completely from CD or DVD. The disc contains the patient planning with the self-opening viewer. No further editing of the planning is possible. However, measurements can still be made and nerves can be displayed.

coViewer is not free of charge (5 units for each disc) no matter what coDiagnostiX license the customer has.

coViewer Lite

Before coDiagnostiX became a Straumann Product, customers were able to buy a fixed-price for an unlimited feature called coViewer Lite. The coViewer Lite disc is another slimmed-down version of the usual coViewer disc. This version, once paid, is free of charge but measurements and nerves aren't displayed. This is beneficial for customers who want to give the CDs to their patients without having to worry about legal consequences.

Since 2009, coViewer Lite doesn't exist anymore. But the customers who bought it are still able to use it in the current coDiagnostiX version. When the feature is found on the Dongle, an additional option appears in the Provide patient menu.

  • Regular “Provide Patient” dialog
    Regular "Provide Patient" dialog

  • Enhanced dialog for coViewer Lite owners
coviewer/start.txt · Last modified: 2013/02/28 12:48 by

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