coDiagnostiX License Service crash on Windows 7 systems with patchlevel Feb 2018

Microsoft published an update to Windows 7 in February 2018 which breaks the Aladdin eToken PKI Client 5.1 SP1 and subsequently our license service. The PKI Client 5.1 SP1 is the default driver used to date (v9.8.1). This mainly affects networked licenses (on the workstation side). There are two fixes available.

How to spot the problem

Method 1 (general fix)

This will remove the old eToken PKI Client 5.2 and replace it with the Safenet Authentication Client 8.1 or newer.

Please follow the steps closely.

Method 2 (fix for network licenses only)

This will remove the old eToken PKI Client 5.2 completely without installing a new one. The driver is not required for network licenses. Please note that locally connected dongles will not work until a driver is reinstalled (see method 1).

Please follow the steps closely.