====== coDiagnostiX 9.8 ====== ===== What's new ===== ==== Improved support for edentulous ==== {{ :versionhistory:abutments.png?600|}} Automatic placement of correctly angulated screw-retained abutments based on the implants’ position and angulation adds further support for screw-retained bars and bridges via DWOS Synergy and enhances existing edentulous workflows. To use the automated setup on multiple implants, follow these steps: - Select the “Tooth positions” entry in the object list - Click “Edit abutments” - Select the abutment series you want to use by pressing “Apply” - Click “Close” Only abutments compatible with all implants at the considered tooth positions are available in the list. By default, all implants except the ones placed on undefined tooth positions are considered. This can be changed in the dialog shown above in the upper right. ---- ==== DWOS Connect interface ==== {{ :versionhistory:dwos_connect.png?600|}} Dentists who own a Dental Wings scanner can now seamlessly transfer their scans via DWOS Connect to create perfectly fitting drill guides in coDiagnostiX. * To access DWOS Connect, go to Import model scan --> Import from DWOS Connect * Before the first use, the user has to enter a DWOS Connect login. Please contact your distributor to obtain your DWOS Connect credentials. ---- ==== Native DICOM data stored ==== {{ :versionhistory:native_dicom_data.png?600|}} With coDiagnostiX 9.8, the full DICOM grayscale range is stored with the dataset abolishing the necessity to adjust presets during import. This further simplifies DICOM import and allows the user to adjust the grayscale range and modify the contrast any time during their planning activities to improve visibility. - Go to main menu --> Adjust Grayscale - Change the window like you already know it from the DICOM import. - Click OK--> this will re-open the planning with the new setting. ---- ==== caseXchange improvements ==== * Comments function: Add supplementing information when transmitting data. * Transmission Status information: Provides feedback to the sender when the dataset has been downloaded by the recipient. * Time-saving Send Back function: Quickly and easily return a commented or approved case planning to the sender. * Tidy-up function: Hides completed cases on the transfer list making it clearer and easier to handle. * One-Click Download: Reduces the number of clicks to speed up work. * Download Again function: Repeated download of a dataset with one click. ==== New patient database ==== coDiagnostiX 9.8 features a new database system based on state-of-the-art technology. Your existing plannings will be seamlessly transferred to the new database. See [[database:convert from bde to sqlite]] for more information.