====== coDiagnostiX Network Services ====== All networking functions are optional and can be blocked if they are not required. ===== eToken Network License ===== Binaries: * Shipped binaries: ''C:\Program Files (x86)\coDiagnostiX\coDiagnostiX.app\eToken\'' * Installed services: ''Windows\SysWoW64'' (for 32bit systems ''System32'') * ''STMNSLMSrv.exe'' (Client) * ''STMNSLMSrvNet.exe'' (Server) Network: * LAN only * TCP 54237 (incomming) (Server and Clients) * UDP 21945 (incomming) (Server and Clients) * Can use static IP or auto-discovery via broadcast (documentation available) ===== Online Update ===== Binaries: * ''C:\Program Files (x86)\coDiagnostiX\coDiagnostiX.app\'' * ''OnlineUpdate.exe'' * ''UpdateOperator.exe'' * ''coDiagHelpUpdater.exe'' Network: * TCP 80, 443 (HTTP, HTTPS) * onlineupdate.codiagnostix.de [] * Uses the Internet Explorer network core and its setup (proxy, etc.) * Allow download of ZIP and EXE files from the domain above if otherwise blocked ===== caseXchange ===== Binaries: * ''C:\Program Files (x86)\coDiagnostiX\coDiagnostiX.app\'' * ''coDiagnostiX.exe'' Network: * TCP 80, 443 (HTTP, HTTPS) * casexchange.de [] * eu2.casexchange.de [] * eu3.casexchange.de [] * na1.casexchange.de [] * jp1.casexchange.de [] * Uses the Internet Explorer network core and its setup (proxy, etc.) ===== Synergy (Client) ===== Binaries: * ''C:\Program Files (x86)\coDiagnostiX\coDiagnostiX.app\'' * ''coDiagnostiX.exe'' Network: * TCP 80, 443, 5672, 61613, 61615 (HTTP, HTTPS, RabbitMQ) * mq.casexchange.de [] * na1.casexchange.de [] * jp1.casexchange.de [] ===== Synergy (optional local server) ===== Binaries: * ''C:\ProgramData\coDiagnostiX\DWSynergySrv'' * ''DWSynergySrv.exe'' * Erlang OTP and RabbitMQ services (path depends on installed version, please check yourself) Network: * TCP 80, 443, 5672, 61613, 61615 (HTTP, HTTPS, RabbitMQ)