====== Advanced Settings ====== These are undocumented features or settings to tweak coDiagnostiX to certain needs. ===== Startup Parameters ===== The following parameters are available for use since a given version. * Automatically import DICOM from given directory (v9.5.1):\\ ''coDiagnostiX.exe /DICOMImport /dicomstartdir="[Path to dicom files to read]"'' * Automatic DICOM import with EASY mode from given directoy (9.5.1):\\ ''coDiagnostiX.exe /coDiagnostiXEasy /dicomstartdir="[Path to dicom files to read]"'' ===== caseXchange Upload Speed ===== **Available with: v9.6.1**\\ coDiagnostiX will limit it's upload to 95% to avoid Internet problems with fully blocked upload bandwidth. [caseXchange] MaxSpeedPercent=95 ===== Drill Table Mode (gonyX/SKY5X) ===== **Available with: v9.2.0**\\ coDiagnostiX can use templiX and Bredent SKY5X plates & pin mode. Use ''Mode=IVS'' for gonyX, ''Mode=Bredent'' for SKY5X. [ReferencePoints] Mode=IVS **Available with: v9.6.0**\\ coDiagnostiX will show a one-time message to set the Drill Table mode to gonyX or SKY5X (Bredent). Afterwards the ini setting below needs to be changed 0 to show the selection wizzard again with the next start. [ReferencePoints] SelectionShown=0