====== How to move a database to new location ====== Moving databases to a different location is pretty much the same as [[database:how_to_backup_a_database|creating a backup]], but instead of copying the current database to a different path, it is ''cut'' out and ''pasted'' to a new location. When this is done, click ''coDiagnostiX Management'' in the coDiagnostiX start screen and select ''Change database'' from the ''Favourites'' or the ''Database'' menu. The current database path is displayed in the upper text field. Now specify the new path of the database by either clicking the Choose database path button ''(...)'' or by typing the new path manually into the text field. When this is done, click Apply and Close to get back to the coDiagnostiX start screen. coDiagnostiX is now working with the patient database at the new location.